Grab Donuts Near OneEleven

If you love a good donut and a friendly face, we have just the place for you. Do-Rite Donuts offers customers that friendly, small-town vibe right in the middle of the big city of Chicago. As if that wasn’t awesome enough, their donuts are incredible and definitely something to go out of your way for.
Open at 6:30am on weekdays and 7:00am on weekends, this is the perfect place to stop for a special breakfast treat before work. It’s also a great place to meet up with friends and have a sweet treat and a good old-fashioned cup of coffee while you catch up.
The donut options at this local shop are incredible, and include many classics in addition to some unusual flavors. For instance, the Pistachio-Meyer Lemon and Glazed Maple Bacon donuts are interesting enough to catch your eye, but still delicious in every sense of the word. Meanwhile, the buttermilk old-fashioned is a traditional Do-Rite staple and a favorite of many loyal customers.
If you are craving something savory rather than super-sweet, you might enjoy one of Do-Rite’s chicken sandwiches. These sandwiches are the perfect filling snack or light meal option.
If Do-Rite Donuts sounds like a shop you’d like to have close to home, you should definitely consider making the modern One Eleven Apartments your new home. These luxury apartments offer the ideal mix of style, amenities, and welcoming staff and neighbors in a location that absolutely couldn’t be any better!
For more information on our apartments, please contact us today.